
Tough Job will OVER, Tough people will STAY!




套一句同事的金言良语,"Tough Job will OVER, Tough People will STAY!" 有点像‘真金不怕红炉火’的意思。一个人如果经得起一连串的艰辛磨练,仍能屹立不到,那他就是‘真金’!而且还越战越勇,越练越‘纯’哦!(比999纯金还纯!)相反的,一个人遇到考验就逃避,必定一生一事无成!

嗯。。。老爹要做‘超级纯金’,I will STAY!

2 条评论:

Brandon Law 说...

Tough Job will OVER?
Do you think it will "ever" over?

Tough people will STAY!
Hello!? Stay for what? Continue the work?

I don't know, but I agreed with what you mentioned last time, that's to start own business. That way you'll be a tougher person and being rewarded with what you should get.

The elders who worked for others shows us something, i.e., no matter how much you achieve, your salary will not increase much, and you'll never become millionaire, because you're helping your boss to become one. (unless you 贪污)

巴尔尼老爹 说...

Here "STAY" to me, meaning become tougher, stronger, more knowledgeable and more competitively, in order to equip myself for future own business. Current situation never satisfy me. I never mention 'STAY' to continuely be a 'working bee' for other. Deeply in my mind, starting own business will eventurely come to me. (In fact, I have already started...)

Yeah, you're right. Job never ever over. Every jobs you've conqured, will train you become tougher for next tougher job. Even in own business.