其中一本书,‘Raise Your Child's Self-Esteem! 99 Easy Things to Do’,是给父母的。老爹觉得值得一阅。在这里老爹要逐步于各位父母们分享它的内容, 顺便提醒自己每天该对孩子所做的事:-
Raise Your Child's Self-Esteem! 99 Easy Things to Do. - Nancy Krulik, Published by Scholastic Inc.
Grow Together
1. Tell your child you love him/her at least once a day.
2. Take your child's feelings seriously. Try not to say she'll / he'll "grow out of it,"
or that it's "not that bad".
3. Let your child know it's okay to make mistakes. Admit your own.
4. Make a board game about yours child's left. Eash space on the board can mark an accomplishment your child has made since he/she was born. Start at the beginning with the first time he/she smiled or when he/she rolled over, and move on the include the first book he/she read to you and the first time he/she went to nursery school or camp.
5. Laugh at your child's jokes - even when you don't get them.
~To be continue~